Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's been a while since I've updated; I've been busy editing some projects, but here are a few that I have taken as of late. These were taken on an old farm that we're cleaning up and restoring.


Anonymous said...

That place would make an awesome film set!

Maximillian said...

It looks like it has lots of good photo opportunities; very nice.

Not too long ago, I helped a church family move, and the rental house they moved into that they're staying in while waiting for their new home to be finished has some interesting features as you can tell, my photos taken that day aren't exactly what you'd call impressive, to say the least:

Elizabeth said...

Were all of those dishes just sitting there inside of it?! Neat-o! Where is it??

Jonathan Hedrick Photography said...

Jesse - I agree. Josh and I have both said that quite a few times!

Max - Those are some great shots! Barns and sheds like that make for some great images. Keep up the good work!

Beth - These pictures were taken at the Parkers house! We've been trying to clean it up a bit over the past few weeks. A large portion of the property was overtaken by bamboo, which Josh and I have been cutting down. Hope you are doing well!

Unknown said...

I'd have to agree with you Jesse. By the way, Jon? Where's the time machine that you used to go back into the west?

Elizabeth said...

That's the Parker's old cabin?! Oh my goodness, I would love to see that!! Ahhh... that awful bamboo. About ten years ago Dad, Isaac Barnes, me and a few other people dug a huge ditch around it and put a tarp underground to help contain it, but I am sure that only helped for so long!

Hannah Michelle said...

My faves are both bamboo shots and definitely the glass/dishware! So much detail.